+39 0322 255536 Via Baraggia, 12 - 28045 Invorio (NO) - Italy
Control and quality

Technological tools to guarantee maximum precision

The control of our mechanical parts is carried out with the most modern technologies.

Highline Mitutoyo measurement control, with the possibility of directly issuing the dimensional control certificate.
We also have a powerful and versatile modular Carl Zeiss SteREO Discovery.V8 microscope with camera.

All the measuring instruments used are kept under strict control, with the support of the most modern metrology centres, to guarantee the maximum precision of our equipment and the maximum repeatability of our measurements.

Product delivery

The delivery of the product, constantly under control, allows the achievement of high quality results; distinguishing factors are the high level of training achieved by the employees, the high speed and flexibility in interventions.


The experience gained allows the company to operate with maximum efficiency and productivity, meeting the most diverse needs expressed by the customer.

Data Management

All the activities that we carry out on behalf of our clients are accompanied by the necessary Reports, concerning the significant aspects of the processes themselves.

"Reports are obtained through constant self-control monitoring by operators and are subject to verification by the Department Managers and Quality Management Manager."

Certified quality

Within this company context, the will to achieve quality certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 has been established, demonstrating the continuous search for improvement and customer satisfaction.